On September 27, after the public hearings on “South Caucasus security issues” held in the Georgian village of Tekali, employee of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, participant of Tekali peace-loving process Ali Abbasov said, “I have attended a lot of such events, I’m always afraid of making two mistakes. First, we consider that we, politicians, are gathered together and decide political issues. We are citizens, and unlike citizens of other countries, we are citizens who have the right to vote, make decisions and have no impact on our own government, and we do not have. Today’s topic was very important because it is one of those unique topics that concerns us, all of us, the security issue is directly related to our life, to every ordinary citizens.
Population that does not have the ability to influence the government, can it live secure? We say, no. Only those who have the opportunity to influence the government can live secure. To influence on the government means to be able to elect, to have the right to elect people whom you want to see. When we do not have this opportunity, it means we are still not safe. Second, whether our authorities are safe?” No, the authorities are not also safe, because they also do not have the ability to impact and influence on the forces that now are ruling in the region. The region is not only ruled by the West, Russia, but also by the smaller countries, such as Turkey and Iran, who have their own interests and influence.
But, of course, the main players in 3 of them, the United States, Russia and the European Union. The European Union is one of the least aggressive force, it offers a membership project with the Association of South Caucasus countries. This project is quite successful, and we can participate in it. And, it will enable us to realize the idea of integration with South Caucasus. Without the integration of the South Caucasus, there will be no security, no one can defend itself, and the region will always be subject to external influence.”
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