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Zaruhi Postanjyan. “Who is Arakel Movsisyan? A person that I do not know.”

October 07,2013 18:44

Today, inquired from “Heritage” MP Zaruhi Postanjyan whether she is not going to apply to the NA Ethics Committee regarding the expression “a person lying under the Turk” made to her address by the Republican MP Arakel Movsisyan (Shmays). To remind that interpreting Ms. Postanjyan’s question raised in Strasbourg, he has said “What can be a person lying under the Turk.” Zaruhi Postanjyan answered, “Frankly speaking, I absolutely do not want to comment on such persons like Movsisyan, who I do not know what kind of education they have. The most important issue is other than this. Who is Arakel Movsisyan? A person that I do not know. Today, our the most important target is the illegal authorities, which is headed by leader Serzh Sargsyan. Our task, today, is not Arakel Movsisyan. I can not give an explanation as to what role he has, nor I want to spend our time on such persons.

Our task is to establish legal rules.” To our question as to what extent you consider the expression of Arakel Movsisyan beyond the parliamentary ethics, Zaruhi Postanjyan answered, “They are beyond the parliamentary ethics long ago. Generally, majority of the Republican Party MPs have not only gone out of ethical boundaries a long time ago, but the places for many of them are in. So, let’s leave ethics aside, of course, it’s very important, but let’s talk about the fact that they are mostly criminal elements. Their seats are not in the National Assembly of Armenia or in marzpetarans (Governors’ offices) but in detention prison wards.” She once again stated that the statement of the Speaker of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan regarding withdrawal of Zaruhi Postanjyan from the Armenian delegation staff is illegal, and she informed that she had already filed an appeal to the PACE Regulation Committee.


P.S. In the video of Yerevan News online media, Republican Party MP Mher Sedrakyan expresses his views about Ms. Postanjyan  

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