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Anahit Bakhshyan. “Manvel Badeyan puts him in a ridiculous situation with his statement” (Video)

October 28,2013 20:25

In these days, heated discussions are underway regarding the bill “On the Payment of the Persons with State Posts”. Especially, the public reacted negatively to the news that, according to this legislative initiative, the salaries of MPs will also increase. In response to the question whether there is a need to raise Samvel Aleksanyan’s wages, Republican MP Manvel Badeyan answered, “Yes, Samvel Aleksanyan need a salary raise.” asked “Heritage” party member Anahit Bakhshyan to comment on this review, she answered, “No comment, how can I comment on Manvel Badeyan’s these words?

Does Samvel Alexanyan rely on this salary? Of course, not. Manvel Badeyan puts him in a ridiculous situation with his statement.” In response to our observation that this legislative initiative especially received a negative shade on this background that the new law on Employment passed with the first reading, which provides to no longer give benefits to registered unemployed, Ms. Bakhshyan responded, “The ideology that it would be better if this amount of 18 thousand drams is given to the said person to obtain profession, for creating jobs, would be logical. It is RPA, which likes saying ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’. This is not said by them, it is said in the Bible. But based on the reality of our country, I am confident that this will not work.

These 180 million drams per year was deducted from these 20 thousand people and added to their salaries. Therefore, the mechanisms that should really give a man a hook to catch a fish, I do not see. I recommend the following to the leadership of the RPA: there is a training center in Yerevan that is willing to teach different professions to women and girls for this 18 thousand and to find jobs for them. I recommend starting a pilot project with this center; I am ready to be the connector. In this case, respective contract will be signed for this person, the money will be transferred, and they will teach the profession and find a job for him. If the state takes concrete steps in this direction, I will believe, otherwise, they say «Хотели как лучше, получилось как всегда» (translator’s note: We wanted the best, it turned out as always).


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