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Mher Shahgeldyan. “Armenia’s membership to the Customs Union stems from the national interests”

November 02,2013 22:48


“These are economic, trade, and security approaches that are consistent with our national interests,” – said Vice-president of Rule of Law listing the attractive aspects of joining the Customs Union during the press conference at the “Media Center”. To the observation that the Rule of Law has always been a defender of European values, he disagreed, “The Rule of Law is pro-Russian, and not eastward or westward focused. We are pro-Armenian. We always and now protect the approaches of introducing European values. From this prospect, the reforms of the political, legal and economic systems of Armenia based upon the European approaches generate from our best interests.” He does not feel fear that the Customs Union is the formation of the new Soviet Union. “These are such opinions, and I think it’s normal that there are different opinions. I do not think that it is the formation of the new Soviet Union. Because the history shows that the states can not enter the same river twice.”

To the question whether the Rule of Law has an exit strategy that will be used when joining the Customs Union will not bring expected progress and reforms to the economy of Armenia, Mr. Shahgeldyan said, “Today, there can be no talks of an exit strategy. Today, the actions should be calculated. Today, development process of approaches is carried out.” To the question whether joining the Customs Union foresees political or economic document, Vice-President of Rule of Law said, ‘show me an international treaty that is only economic or only political.”In any case, the relations in the framework of the Customs Union contain political element.” When asked where the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh is in this situation, he said, “Today, Nagorno-Karabakh is building an independent state in cooperation with Armenia, these positions will be firm and will be strengthened.”



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