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“Deep and Comprehensive frustration”, or a prospect for cooperation?

December 02,2013 14:41

“The speech was just a series of declarative statements that says nothing and could not say. To expect more from Vilnius, was obvious,” so described ANC MP Lyudmila Sargsyan, in the conversation with “Aravot” regarding RA President’s yesterday’s speech at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. Also, analyzing the Armenia-EU agreement signed yesterday, ANC MP opines that, in general, there is a deep disappointment about Armenia’s authorities, and prospects for cooperation are very vague.

“The Eastern Partnership enabled a new impetus to the efforts towards modernization of our state and society based on the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. It stimulated our extensive reform agenda. As a measurable result, I would just note the three major electoral processes held in Armenia during the last one and a half year, which defined a new benchmark in this area, essentially strengthening Armenia’s electoral system.

With Vilnius summit declaration, we reaffirm our commitment to continue transferring a new impetus to the reforms in our country,” said Serzh Sargsyan in his speech, in particular. Such expressions are at least doubtful to our interlocutor, since, as per his conviction, Serzh Sargsyan is talking about the values​​, whose barrier is not considered. Moreover, the Armenian society has never experienced the real impact of those values.

“Interestingly, when Serzh Sargsyan is talking about the progress of Armenia in the electoral system, does he say his personal opinion, or just saying lines of words to convince “naive” European officials that Armenia has adopted their proposed institutional practices, and we conduct improvements? In reality, there is no improvement, no improved electoral system. There is a corrupt government, which is reproduced during the elections at all cost. As a result, people are frustrated and leaving the country downheartedly,” said our interlocutor, adding that recently he had experienced the direct result of exposure of “independent judiciary system” mentioned by the president. He is referring to the verdict made with regard to SDHP. Although, even earlier our interlocutor was confident that the courts in Armenia are under the direct control of political powers, particularly Serzh Sargsyan. “There is no prosecution, moreover, an independent Attorney General, and speaking about judicial reforms is just ridiculous. I am sure that while uttering all of this, Serzh Sargsyan was laughing in his mind, too.”

To the expression of our President about elimination of corruption system in Armenia, our interlocutor find difficult to assess, “A man who is the architect of the corruption system in Armenia, and currently being the guide of it, is talking about corruption.”

As a result, Mrs. Sargsyan laments that there is a fact: the European Prescotts, giving their positive assessments to the elections in Armenia, have helped Serzh Sargsyan to retain the power until now. “I think, from now on, the Europeans will reconsider their approaches in the electoral processes of Armenia, and will understand that there can not be a long-term cooperation with such people, and supporting such authority, to put it mildly, discredits the Europe, and sets grounds for destruction of European values in Armenia,” said Mrs. Sargsyan, wrapping up, “We can record that the Vilnius summit made the authorities appear in a deep and comprehensive frustration.”


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