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Armenia is rolling down the abyss of colonialism

December 05,2013 18:37

Interview with Edward Zorikyan, poet, composer, participants of “Against the Customs Union, against Putin” protest

– Mr. Zorikyan, you, with your daughter, participated in “Against the Customs Union, against Putin” campaign, you were even apprehended by the police, while many artists, nowadays, are engaged in dedicating dithyramb to the authorities and coloring the reality followed by the expectations of ​​”extorting” a title, and material values…

– I really participated in “Against the Customs Union, against Putin” action. I would call this action “For the Independence of Armenia”, because I’m really concerned about the eventual loss of Armenia’s independence. On December 2, the progressive youth of the Republic of Armenia stood up just for the sake of Independent Armenia, and the police apprehended combatants for an independent Armenia. The number of detainees was unprecedented. Explain me to understand, why should the police of Armenia arrest citizens fighting for the independence of Armenia. Of course, they would say that the police is executing the command, I agree, the police is a subordinating structure, in this case, explain why such commands should be given (even, verbally). I’ll answer for myself, the President of Armenia has resigned long ago, although it is not said directly at this very moment, I would say more, the President of Armenia has not only resigned, but openly supports the interests of a foreign state. We, Armenian, consider this phenomenon as betrayal, a state and national betrayal. I know that some would say that it is a policy, I completely admit it, of course, it is a foreign state policy that strives to colonize Armenia, and the President of Armenia spares no effort to implement this program. As a result, we have lost our economic independence over the years; the issue has already reached the political independence, and the sole culprit of all this was and is the power headed by the President of Armenia. Now about the intelligentsia. Intelligentsia, being the most sensitive part of society, has always voiced about these things.

Years ago, the same question was put forward by Silva Kaputikyan, Sos Sargsyan and many others, people who understood that Armenia due to subservient position of the authorities is gradually rolling down the abyss of colonialism. And to the government I will reply with Hamo Sahyan’s words, “And was it worth to come to the world for keeping a house, and a head.” For shame!

– In your opinion, can we consider “Against the Customs Union, against Putin” action executed? Did the voice of the people reach the destination?

– The best evidence of the protest is the unprecedented number of RA citizens detained by the police. We made our voice heard, whether it reached or not, in other word, whether the authorities got it or not, I can not say.

– How do you assess the role of the youth in such mutinies? Was it your daughter’s decision to take part in the action with you?

– Just the contrary, it was my decision to take part in the protest with my daughter. There are issues that should concern everyone, from small to big. And the youth is our only hope, our only faith, our future, and they are well aware of who they are. One of the main messages of the campaign was not in vain, chanting, “We are the masters of our country.”

– Aren’t the doors closed before you for being an active citizen?

– An open door is a trap. Passing through such door means to fall into the trap. In general, the doors are not just closed, but locked, but I have already obtained immunity against this phenomenon, and I’m not going to keep silent. I would advise the same to our young people, and will quote Paruyr Sevak, “Be honest in everything, who has died of hunger in life, there is no exile for being true, why should I keep silent for a lie.”

– In your opinion, why does the same Russian writer, musician, actor, athlete, in the best sense of the word, the intellectual elite, feel free in expressing their opinions than in Armenia? Let’s take the most recent example, the letter of Russian writers of Ukrainian writers. How do you envision the future of our country, are you an optimist?

– Where were these same Russian intellectuals, when the Armenians were literally slaughtered in Sumgait? However, the same Russians, being a tyrant by nature, was able to bring up a new, honest, open-minded generation of intelligentsia, and our authorities are denying, destroying, and killing the existing in all possible and impossible ways. Freedom is always on the tray, those who want to take, they just take it, and those who do not want to take it, do not go even closer to it, but most interestingly, there are some who get closer, take it and drop it on the ground and trample it; the latter are our authorities. As for the country’s future, I will quote Avetik Isahakyan, “Fearlessly and majestically drive your steering wheel towards strangers face to face. Without looking back move forward, whatever will be, let it be.”


Interviewer, Gohar HAKOBYAN

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