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Sharmazanov refreshes Mammadyarov’s memory

December 07,2013 14:19


Yesterday, at the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said that Azerbaijan is acting in the favor of the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue based on the UN Security Council’s four resolutions. “The main danger intimidating the peace in the region is the presence of the Armenian troops “in the territory of Azerbaijan”. Demilitarization of the conflict zone will enable to strengthen mutual trust and reduce tensions in the region,” said he. Mammadyarov also said that the main danger intimidating the peace in the region is the presence of the Armenian troops allegedly in the territory of Azerbaijan.

In the conversation with “Aravot”, referring to this statement, Vice Speaker of NA, Spokesperson of Republican Party of Armenia, Edward Sharmazanov, said that with regard to the regional security, the side that singles out only one out of main Helsinki principles for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, which the international community adopts as a base for the settlement of the problem, is the intimidating side, and it is not the Armenian side. “If we speak about the occupation, the very Azerbaijan has occupied the Armenian territories: the matter refers to Getashen, Martunashen, and Shahumyan,” said our interlocutor.

With regard to the reference made by Mammadyarov regarding resolutions on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict adopted by the UN Security Council, Vice Speaker of the National Assembly wants to additionally remind that they are accepted in early 90s and pursued the goal to establish a ceasefire between the parties. “At this stage of conflict resolution, the reference to the UN Security Council resolutions is not appropriate. Now, Karabakh conflict should be resolved on the basis of the Helsinki principles, and to singly out only one out of all is unacceptable, the international community also thinks so.”


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