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Hurrying to the EU market we appeared in the Customs Union

December 13,2013 16:57

NA MP Ruben Hahobyan had different expectations from the EU

– Mr. Hakobyan, your approaches regarding the EU Association Agreement and our countries accession to the Customs Union, seems, to be significantly and greatly different from the majority of positions, including the “Heritage” party of view. Would you please provide some details about the reasons for the differences?

– You have noticed the point. Actually, there are some differences in the approaches. Still before Serge Sargsyan’s statement on September three regarding the Customs Union accession, I had repeatedly stated from the podium of the Parliament, and on several occasions that under consideration of the current situation of Armenia, especially due to Artsakh problems, in order to provide certain opportunity for flexible actions, if necessary, it would be right to avoid constituting a part of any alliance, and to further develop mutually beneficial cooperation with the CU countries, the West and the regional states. Today, there are a number of countries in the same Europe that conduct their financial-economic functions with different states by following different customs regimes. However, a situation was created that the EU is extremely concerned for Armenia to be integrated into the EU market by signing the Association Agreement, while, I think, at this point, it was not beneficial for Russia to “invite” Armenia with its problems to the CU, which might create major controversies with other CU states: Belarus, and, in particular, Kazakhstan, given that the close strategic partnership of these countries with Azerbaijan. It is clear that it is about Artsakh problem. Kazakhstan and Belarus have never concealed that any of their decision shall not contradict, or, as said by everyday language, shall not offend Azerbaijan.

– What reservations did you have with signing the EU Association Agreement?

– First, I want to mention that, indeed, the European market of five hundred million is much more preferable for Armenia than what we may have in the Customs Union. It refers not only the quantitative side of the market, but also common standards, level, and so on of the EU market. But, on the other hand, I do not know a precedent, where any country with its entire defense system is under the influence of one state, but, economically is integrated with another state, a field of influence of the power that is in obvious competition with the same state for the said region.

Of course, there was an economic component in the Association Agreement, however, the political component was much more pronounced for the simple reason that the EU is trying to weaken Russia’s influence in our region. And, it is very natural that the economic integration should evolve into political integration, and this was aimed at, sooner or later, also via Armenia, to neutralize Russia’s political influence in the region. And Russia clearly understood it.

It should also be noted that in the course of three and a half years of the EU Association Agreement initialing negotiations, there was no convincing practical step made by Europe concerning our priorities.

– What steps were you expecting from Europe?

– Most of the EU member states have recognized Kosovo’s independence, which as an independent administrative unit, according to their estimation, yields to Artsakh in many components. And, the main guarantor of the Artsakh security is not the Smerch and Chinese different ammunitions, but the recognition of political independence of Artsakh by the states. I think, double standard approach is obvious, Artsakh recognition is not of their interests, and no argument could be persuasive to be abide by the European values system declared by them. Or, no serious step was taken by the EU towards opening of the Armenian-Turkish border, which was to be a border for Armenia to establish relations with the railroad, plus other vital priorities for our state. During the meeting with the EU Ambassador, he did not conceal and to my direct question of where Artsakh would be under this collaboration answered that this is only an economic cooperation with Armenia and that’s it.

But, we were tempted, and rushed to the Euro market. Maybe, they had convincing arguments for them, but knowing what region we are living in, whom we are dealing with, what traditions of sanction we have, we should have acted a lot more prudently, and take into account the real possibilities. For me, it was obvious that being seduced by the Euro market, we were directly putting Artsakh at stake. How should we convince the soldier protecting the Armenian-Turkish border by saying, dear Russian soldier, you protect our borders, but we have to slowly counteract or weaken your influence in this region? It is not of a good day that the Russian frontier is guarding our border, but, before making any major step, you first must eliminate your constraints, and consider the existing realities. And, this is not only political, but also moral issue. And, naturally, it happened what happened. Followed by its one interests, Russia made the major political step of strategic importance by “inviting” us to the Customs Union, it prevented our integration to the EU economic field. In other words, we tempted and hurried to the Euro market, appeared in the Customs Union.

– What fate awaits the CU, and Armenia in the CU?

– I think, as a result of our non prudent policy, we are facing a choice without an alternative choice. We, unwillingly, became a race carpet for two opposite sides; we invited them to our territory to settle their political and economic accounts. This behavior also hit the political reputation of our state.

In fact, recently, I think the Estonian foreign minister announced that the Europe should eventually come out of the standards, and while negotiating with each state, should consider the peculiarities of the state. It is a smart recommendation, and Europe should have adopted this approach long ago. The same standards may not be applied for everyone. And, the Europe’s current soft approach towards us,

I think, is due to this very fact. They have realized that they may jeopardize the destinies of peoples and states with their standard and rigid approaches.

As for the CU, I do not think that any politician, today, can be sure to say of what format the CU can be formed. During the Presidents’ meeting in Minsk, Kazakhstan did not miss the moment and invited its strategic ally, Turkey, to the CU, which I, personally, view as more of counteract to RF for recommending Armenia to the CU. I think there will be some new surprises. Quite serious games are taking place in the region, and under non prudent behavior, small states could really be affected.

Interviewer, Nelly GRIGORYAN

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