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Edik Baghdasaryan. “Nairi Merheje has nothing to do with an offshore company registered in the name of the Prime Minister.”

January 09,2014 21:25

Edik Baghdasaryan, editor-in-chief of investigative journalists “Hetq” online media, in coming days will publish new findings regarding offshore scandal. “I have talked about two companies, in which the Prime Minister is a shareholder. It would be better if the Prime Minister speaks about it. I am going to write about it in the coming days. Nairi has nothing to do with the company registered by the name of the Prime Minister. The company’s directors are Greek… once the Prime Minister’s office had announced that the signatures are missing, later it turned out that the signatures are there”, – said Mr. Baghdasaryan to, referring to the Prime Minister’s claims that the PAP MP’s relative Nairi Merheje is standing on the base of the offshore scandal and he has nothing to do with it. Mr. Baghdasaryan does not want to comment on the purpose around the name of Nairi Merheje in the offshore scandal, and the factor of relative with Oskanyan. “We publish evidences. I am not involved in politics.” To recall that in his year-end press conference, the Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, in response to question, had said that he had nothing to do with the registration of the company in Cyprus, for the simple reason that when the company was registered in offshore zone, on given day and hour he was not in Cyprus, and, in general, since the day of taking his office, he had not travelled to Cyprus. Mr. Baghdasaryan reminded, “It is not necessary to travel to Cyprus for registering a company. An authorized person may have it registered, it is not necessary for given person to be present at the registration.”



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