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The government responded properly, balanced and with respect. Arman Saghatelyan

January 23,2014 21:15

“How does Serzh Sargsyan treat Robert Kocharyan’s and Tigran Sargsyan’s debate? Whose arguments does he consider the most persuasive and compelling?”

In response to the question of “Aravot”, Arman Saghatelyan, RA President’s Press Secretary, sent the following response, “Any debate, if it, of course, pursues the objective of observing the reality from various dimensions, improving something or making more efficiently, the President of Armenia certainly treats positively. At the same time, he considers the end in itself debate about the phenomena left in the past and clung from the past ineffective; he does not also support the phenomenon self-indulged in debate. He is in favor of a calm, balanced, and non-emotional discussion, which pursues the goal of solving the problems. This is all about the debate, in general. He at large, of course, is familiar with exchange of opinions specifically mentioned by you. The opinion of the President of Armenia is that the Prime Minister and other Cabinet members have answered questions raised properly, balanced and with respect. The President Sargsyan has always urged the Cabinet members to possibly present detailed clarification to our society about all concerned issues, be more active in the media and commenting on issues and problems voiced publicly by political parties, NGOs and individuals, if necessary, to re-express about the same issue, to view it from another perspective, if the questions after commenting are repeated once again. Recently, the government, indeed, has become much more open and active on this issue, and there is confidence that it will continue, because it is the right way of doing it.”

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