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“God forbid having the Ukrainian scenario in Armenia”. Hovhannes Margaryan

March 06,2014 19:12

In the conversation with, Rule of the Law party MP Hovhannes Margaryan, referring to the political situation in Ukraine and the newly established authorities, said, “If people establish a government, for me, it should be established truly on democratic base, naturally, this government will be legitimate. Now, it’s such a mess in Ukraine that I would refrain from giving specific estimates. First, today, we can say that the power seems to be established in the street, it is a temporary power, when there will be elections in Ukraine, about which the announcement has already been made, however, it will definitely happen, and elections will be held, after the election it would be correct to assess. Now, we are talking about temporary power, and to express opinion about the temporary power is quite difficult. I’m sorry for what happened in Ukraine as it is one of our friendly countries, and we have a huge Diaspora in Ukraine. And it is painful that the first victim was our fellow countryman, an Armenian. We had the chance … and it really hurts, we honored the memory of the victims with a silence minute at the Parliament, it was pain for all of us to avoid recurrence of similar incidents. Ultimately, as of today, we should learn lessons from different places. In this regard, what was missing in Ukraine? There was no tolerance, an intolerance atmosphere was formed. This, it seemed to me, was not generating from the interests of Ukraine and the people.” To our question of whom this intolerance was addressed: the president, who allowed him to use the toilet with golden lid, our interlocutor said, “I am not saying for whom, I am using this word in general, for everyone. You know what, sometimes people say, specifically who are to be blamed for what happened. I do not know who are to be blamed, but my answer is all of us. Every man is guilty, if tragic cases happen, everyone is guilty, it’s another matter who is indirectly … It is guilty due to inconsistency, one is guilty directly, another – indirectly, but when such a thing happens, everyone is guilty.” To our question that the Ukrainian scenario will be transferred to Armenia, the MP reacted quite strongly, “There are different things, there are generally no parallels, God forbid, I do not want and do not see, such a political situation in the Republic of Armenia does not exist, both politically and legally I do not see such a situation in Armenia, God forbid…”



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