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People express their pain

May 06,2014 13:56

In 90s, my acquaintances from Europe and the United States were calling me and asking whether it is right that every day people are found in the streets of Yerevan starved to death. I was responding, yes, people are dying, but not in the streets of Yerevan, but in the front, and not from starvation, but the enemy’s bullets and shells. And I was thinking if you cannot help these guys, then try to avoid the malicious joy to our difficult situation. Now, I am more relaxed about these issues and judgments. People have left their homeland and they probably have their reasons and justifications. No one has the right to assume the role of a judge. Being cut off from their homes hurts them, but they are trying to push out this pain through malice, resentment, and sometimes, even hatred. We should sympathize and not rebuke our countrymen.

Today, I meet hundreds of people on the internet, who are affected by any semi-positive word having far remote connection with Armenia, like the red cloth to the bull. Even the most innocent and non-political news. For example, “Henrikh Mkhitaryan scored a beautiful goal.” The part of the nationals that I am writing about (mostly, the former Armenia-residing people living abroad) would interpret it as follows, “Now Sashik will enter into a share with this goal.”

Or, “Beautiful roses are opened in the garden.” A comment. “Now Lfik will loot everything.” If you try to enter into debates and note that the one has nothing to do with the other, then you will be accused of “serving Serzh”. In short, through a very distinct mechanism of psychological defense, they need to read and listen every minute that Armenia is the worst, the poorest and the most backward country in the world. This is, I think, how our compatriots are expressing their pain being far away from their homeland.

Yes, we have a poor government. As to why and by whose fault, it’s another question. Tomorrow will be better. Or, it is not excluded to be even worse. However, these temporary circumstances have nothing to do with the attitude to the country, the state, and the homeland. At least, for me.


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