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Doctor-sexopatholog. “Stop the Internet “konchita-campaign”

May 15,2014 21:24

Doctor- sexopatholog Vrezh Shahramanyan, in the conversation with, referring to the turmoil around the image of Wurst Konchita, representative of Austria and winner of the 59th “Eurovision” contest, said that as a specialist he does not welcome the recent widespread “konchita-flood.” “So many days, almost all social websites, television broadcast, print media are advocating the “Eurovision” winner’s sexual inclinations, lifestyle, and dresses, without thinking that this is all watched, listened and read by their children, adolescents and teenagers. What example do they deliver to their younger generation with such unhealthy and dangerous discussions? We enthusiastically publish Konchita’s moreover showy intimate pictures, bed scenes, and sexual preferences… We should clearly understand that everything has a nice size, moreover, the criticism. Constantly publicizing similar unhealthy examples, in the future, may become a bitter reality in the form of serious danger. Therefore, we should stop the internet “konchita-campaign”, because it is dangerous and unacceptable,” said the professor at the Department of Sexology of YSU, PhD Vrezh Shahramanyan.



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