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Nikolay Baghdasaryan. “The place where I stopped is the place where the accident happened” (video)

June 11,2014 19:44

During the trial continued at the Court of General Jurisdiction of Kotayk Marz regarding the lawsuit of a car accident by the well-known actor Vardan Petrosyan, frequently questions are voiced about the crime scene, the examination of the location, and technical conditions of “Niva” and BMW crashed cars, and permissible speed. Today, at the request of, we talked with Vardan Petrosyan’s advocate, member of the Chamber of Advocates, Nikolay Baghdasaryan, at the location, which the defense side is considering the site of the crash. Nikolay Baghdasaryan showed us the sign of “End of Residential site”. “This sign means that it is not the end of administrative territory but the area following this sign is not considered a residential area. According to the RTR, if the driver crosses this sign, then the permissible maximum speed increases to 60 km/h to 90 km/h. We have letters from Kotayk Marzpetaran and Yeghvard Municipality, according to which, on the day of the accident, the place of the accident was not considered a residential, even though it was within the administrative area of the city of Yeghvard, therefore the permissible speed in that area has been 90 km/h.” In response to our question of how the investigator has substantiated that give section is a residential area,” Nikolay Baghdasaryan said, “The investigator has made an oral request with the engineer of a private company performing asphalt works, who responded that the site of the accident is a residential one. Therefore, the maximum permissible speed was 60 km/h and based on this letter, Vardan Petrosyan was brought to charges for exceeding the speed.” According to the advocate, the accusing party has not accepted the letters from the governor and from the mayor, but relied on the letter of engineers of a private company performing asphalt works. “I must say that I have not seen anything like that in my sixteen years of practice that the circumstance of residential and non-residential is proved by the letter sent by the engineer of an asphalting company. Vardan Petrosyan was driving along the area with a permissible speed, likewise the “Niva” make automobile”. Nikolay Baghdasaryan (in the video) showed the intersection, which divides the roads going to Ashtarak and Yerevan. “You see the intersection. The road taking to Ashtarak is not seen. The “Niva” make car was driving at a certain speed, he has noticed the intersection late, he has stopped the car like I am doing and has come out to the roadside. To get back to the road taking to Ashtarak, he has driven back, then “Niva” has got into a correct direction in this sector to go towards Ashtarak. The place where I stopped is the place where the accident happened,” said N. Baghdasaryan.



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