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Gang “gangleader” Artush Hakobyan made a scandalous statement (video)

June 19,2014 18:02

The judge of Kentron and Nork Marash General Jurisdiction Court, Mesrop Makeyan, after listening to the statement of defendant Artush Hakobyan with regard to the “gang case”, provided the court with the video about the late Arman Dallakyan, and the mass media publications, which was enclosed to the criminal case. Although the accuser Sasoon Khachatryan considered the statement as defendant’s testimony. He even urged the defendant’s side to apply to the proper authorities regarding the facts mentioned in the statement. Artush Hakobyan, referring to in the investigatory actions against him, said how he was every time transported by people in masks during the investigation. He said that two days prior to the gang’s arrest, the former Police Chief Alik Sargsyan has said the gang is arrested, and the gangleader is in the spotlight. “How could I appear in the restaurant after that with a gun in my pocket, when the mass media had already announced about it?” asked A. Hakobyan.

He also referred to Shamshyan’s videos. According to him, the police was trying to mislead the public with this video that allegedly it had arrested the actual gang. Artush Hakobyan said that actually no stolen items were found, that garbage was presented by the hands of “heartless, godless” police, which the prosecutor is trying to clean acting in the status of an “aid-man”. Note that A. Hakobyan makes a statement for the first time, the judge interrupted him, saying whether he is giving testify or not, but A. Hakobyan said he is expressing his position through a statement.


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