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The vertebralist sued the actor for the Facebook post

July 02,2014 16:06

Enoch Abrahamyan, orthopedist-vertebralist and Head of the laser surgery department at Vladimir Avagyan’s medical facility, has sued the actor Ashot Meloyan (in the photo). The mentioned lawsuit on honor and dignity is in the proceeding by Arayik Kubanyan, the judge of Court of General Jurisdiction of Shengavit Administrative District. The preliminary court hearing is scheduled for July 4. The plaintiff vertebralist has mentioned in the lawsuit that on March 31, the actor has posted his photo on his Facebook page, has “insulted and defamed” him. In his The actor, in his status entitled “Doctor’s” face, whose wrong diagnosis and wrong treatment resulted in my mother’s death”, had written, there has been a criminal case, that he is ready to show the 1200-page criminal case, which was 4 times dismissed by the investigators. “However, the fascist has not apologized to my mother, nor me, and nor our family.” In fact, in 2011, on February 10, the Kentron Investigation Department of the Police has made a decision about dismissing the proceeding of the criminal case. The doctor is claiming to bind A. Meloyan to apologize on the Internet for insulting, to confiscate 1 million drams to his benefit and 2 million drams for defamation.


Photo from Ashot Meloyan’s Facebook page

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