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“The petition against Tigran Sargsyan is an order by some of the political forces here.” Sukias Avetisyan

July 05,2014 20:52

“I treat this petition badly. I would say in a simple way, the ex-prime minister is appointed an ambassador; it is still to be welcomed. With his connections, and work experience, I think, he will be helpful to both Armenia and our Armenian community in the US. This petition is a field of political intrigues, rather than a real thing. Once again, they are trying to remove the offshore scandal. You know, it’s one thing, when a non-existent thing is disseminated, and another thing when there is a specific thing. Now, there is neither any specific thing, nor a case is filed, and nor Tigran Sargsyan is involved in the case,” so interpreted RPA MP Sukias Avetisyan, in the conversation with, referring to the petition organized by the US Armenian Forum against the former prime minister, Tigran Sargsyan.

Note that the U.S. Armenian Forum had applied to the U.S. State Department with a request not to allow this person involved in the offshore high-profile business, and personal wealth accumulated through deception be appointed an Ambassador of Armenia to the US. Pursuant to the information of website, the initiators of the petition have requested the U.S. State Department to reject Tigran Sargsyan’s shameless attempt of acquiring diplomatic immunity, noting that appointing an ambassador to a person like him accused in crimes is contrary to the U.S. democratic and legislative principles, and endangers their national dignity.

Sukias Avetisyan asked a question to the petition organizers, “So, whom do they want? Is there a person whom they want? Whom do they have? Let them first say their opinion, rather than organizing a petition. The U.S. really needs an experienced person like Tigran Sargsyan. I, nevertheless, treat this petition badly. I think that this is an order by some of the political forces here.”

Pursuant to Sukias Avetisyan, this petition would affect Tigran Sargsyan not badly, but even positively. “If it seems to someone that the U.S. State Department does not possess the information, is sadly mistaken. They probably have more information about the appointed ambassadors than they that are trying to voice through petitions and protest actions.”

To our observation that there is an opinion that the Republican Party always sends such blameworthy politicians as ambassadors, therefore they start practicing businesses there, Sukias Avetisyan countered, “I do not agree with that opinion at all, because what does a blameworthy politician mean? If a person writes down an application for quitting his job, is he a blameworthy politician? Who says that a person should hold his office for decades? Naturally, there must be a shift of positions, which is important for the person, as well as for the labor productivity.”


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