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American journalist. “Newspapers are no longer comfortable.”

August 01,2014 15:05

“The newspaper is a dying industry,” announced Juliet Pennington, journalist of “Boston Globe” newspaper, and journalism professor at the Boston University, in the conversation with However, despite this, she believes that there are still people, who read newspapers and quality newspapers, and thanks to them, they will survive. The “guilty” of the situation, according to her, are the youth, who prefer online newspapers, because the information that they are interest in appear more, they are more accessible, convenient and the choice is great.

Whereas the newspapers’ “salvation”, Mrs. Pennington considers a difficult task. “The only thing that newspapers can do is to upgrading them. The only way to do it is to have a website that will be in compliance with the newspaper and will have additional revenues. How the “Boston Globe” did. We tries to place original material there, so that people will want to visit our website, otherwise people will not read us. When I was young, I could buy newspapers starting at six, and now the news are placed on the website twenty-four hours, thus, the print newspapers are no longer suitable.” She believes that a very complex situation has been occurred for the newspapers, and they do everything to survive, but it has been a long time since Juliet Pennington does not see any success in the field.

We asked what the circulation of printed newspapers is in the USA. “Newspapers are printed in all big cities of the USA, even in the small towns, I think it’s normal, because they cover the events of a small town. People want to know what their team has done, or who has been elected a mayor, in short, local news.” To the question of what he signifies in online media, Mrs. Pinnington replied, accuracy, because placing the material on the website in haste, mostly young journalists make mistakes. “They have a great desire to be the first in giving out the information, and when they find out that they are wrong, they must refute it, which is really too bad. Thus, there is a fine line between accuracy and being the first, and we need to find ways to verify the information before publishing it.”


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