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Europe and we. There are no “good” or “evil” empires

August 04,2014 15:20

There are superstates with their interests

Russia is a country with a dictatorial regime, weak economy, backward technologies, imperial ambitions, aggression, lies, and flatteries. The United States is a country with a democratic regime, strong economy, advanced technologies, imperial ambitions, aggression, lies, and flatteries. Introducing any superpower a “world savior”, “embodiment of justice,” or vice versa, an “empire for evil” is naive, and an effect of our Armenian “orientation” limited thinking. The majority of my fellow citizens accepts the Russian TV campaign on Ukraine and other matters like on wheels, which flows onto their heads every single day, with no desire or ability to verify the information from other sources.

The viewers of the United States and Europe are more skeptical because they have grown up in democratic tradition conditions chiseled over the centuries. In free societies, people do not tend to believe the media information blindly as opposed to generations brought up on the leaders of “Pravda”. But there is a comparatively small group of people in Armenia, which, on the contrary, applauds any move by the West, and on hearing Putin’s name, not as good sparkles are seen in their eyes. It is the same applaud with a “minus sign”, to find the “goodness pole” in the world and worship it. Personally for me, the West is a value system rather than a political beacon, which should be adhered to at all costs. Banning of feminine lace lingerie and high-heel shoes provided for in the Eurasian Union is marasmus.

And not allowing Russian singers with “anti-Western views” to the “New Wave” contest in Latvia is also marasmus. Calling on Armenia’s authorities to take measures against “wrong position” holding NGOs is a diplomatic etiquette breach by the Russian Ambassador Volinkin. But the admonition addressed to our government and the business community not to have any deal with Russian businesses is also a breach from the reverse side. Russia is arming, training and supporting the assault groups of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. But the United States is also arming and training no less dangerous assault groups being in war in Syria, Iraq and other countries.

To say that these fighters are fighting for lofty ideas, and the fighters want to blow up the planet is either a delusion or pharisaical. Of course, there is a policy, which is driven by specific ideas of “good” and “evil”. One of the modern researchers, Karen Aghekyan, writes that being involved in politics means giving the name of the enemy. As long as you say liberalism, socialism, pro-European, pro-Russian and Armenia-orientation, all of this is a lyric. As soon as you say Serzh Sargsyan, Putin, Obama, Masons, Turks, and Zionists, here starts the true policy. In other words, you are showing your supporters or fellowmen the red cloth, which seeing one should become furious. This is perhaps the meaning of the policy. But the Human, his freedom and dignity is lost this policy. The right to peaceful self-expression is lost in all people, eventually, the compassion toward any human being is lost. So, let’s sometimes not deal with politics.


“Aravot” Daily


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