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Russia hampers Armenian airline.  Why Russia had publicized the internal documents with “Air Armenia”

September 13,2014 19:22


Russian State Corporation for Organization of Air Communication had announced that starting from September 21 it halts the air navigation service to “Air Armenia” company because of the debts. According to Russia, the debt amounts to 1.1 million dollars, of which outstanding debt – 400 thousand dollars. The airline company administration  is surprised at this kind of practice by Russia because the payment of the debt was not so much dependent on them.

Today, at the “Yelaket” club, the Director of “Air Armenia”, Arsen Avetisyan, explained the problem. According to the director, Russian SMT Bank was under EU and U.S. economic sanctions, so the Armenian company was unable to transfer money. “We negotiated with Rosgoscorporation, and agreed that the payments should be made in the Russian ruble. After several payments, the next 107 thousand dollars in the Russian rubles to be paid to cover the expenses, we were informed that the SMT Bank is under the sanction and it is not possible to make the payment. Then, on September 8, we asked them to give another account, where you can make the payments without any problems. Yesterday, we got the answer that we can pay our outstanding of about 400 million dollars via VTB Bank. We will make these payments and the flights would take place. But why to publicize them is amazing for us? We are working with them for 11 years, such correspondences happen once in two months, but for no reason they put the commercial matter before the public. In other words, we still have 11 days, but they have already publicized.”

This statement by Russia had caused panic among the passengers. Many of them are already returning the purchased tickets. To the question of of maybe they are scared of the previous experience with accumulated debts of “Armavia”, therefore they go for such actions, Mr. Avetisyan said that last year, after receiving the permit of operating the routes, the Russian side delayed the response for 40 days. In other words, “Air Armenia” still on August, in the “peak” season, had the opportunity to start flights, whereas the Russian side gave its consent on October. “Whether it was coincidence or not, I cannot say, but I think that it was not so benefit to our competitors that we start the flights since Aug. 18.”

As said by Mr. Avetisyan, “Armavia’s” trace is still presence: “Air Armenia” works in all airports and with other companies with the prepayment, the partners forced them to work with prepayment. Our competitors hoped that after “Armavia”, there would be no new air transport company in Armenia, which will enable to completely dominate the market. However, we have successfully entered the market, if we were not treated seriously, they would not go for such steps.” To the question of whether they probably want them to appear in a situation like it happened with “Aramvia”, Mr. Avetisyan said, «недождутся» (Keep dreaming!). Note that “Armavia” Air Company suspended its operation due to huge debts. To the question of how the inflation of the Russian ruble affects the company, the Director said that they suffer loses because they get revenues in rubles, then it is converted into euros in 15 – 30 days, and the fluctuations are causing them to bear loses.


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