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Armenian parliamentarians will give an answer to Kiselyov- and Kovalenko-supporters

October 01,2014 14:35

The last threats by the former Russian Ambassador to Armenia, Vyacheslav Kovalenko, that if Armenia does not orient correctly, meaning towards the Eurasian Economic Union, then it will lose not only its state country, but also would stand on the verge of extinction as a nation as the result of successful initiative of barbaric Americans and Europeans. The Armenian parliamentarians’ cup is full.

Tevan Pogosyan

Tevan Pogosyan


At the session of the RA NA Foreign Relations Committee held a few days ago, the “Heritage” faction MP Tevan Poghosyan suggested the Committee to express its position on the statements by Russian officials who would allow using offensive and threatening expressions about Armenians and Armenia.

In the interview with, Mr. Poghosyan was reluctant to speak on details of the discussion. “It was a closed-door discussion, I am not willing to say something from the closed-door discussion. It just seems to me that now we will be more attentive, and all of such things will not be left unanswered.”

Note that Mr. Kovalenko is not the unique Russian official, who spoke in such a threatening manners. Prior to him, just in the Parliament of Armenia, Dmitry Kiselyov displayed quite cynical behavior, too.


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