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What is equality of men and women?

November 03,2014 13:36

The theme of “Aravot” online “Face to Face” talk show is discussed by the political activist, also publicists Zaruhi Hovhannisyan and blogger Tigran Kocharyan.

Aram Abrahamyan – Do we need gender equality? Maybe, we should not fight for it.

Zaruhi Hovhannisyan – In my opinion, it is necessary to have it, because the society should ultimately achieves harmony between the two sexes, between the nations and generally, to coexistence rules, which yet are not preserved. I think, however, that the woman is considered a weak sex and is oppressed in any way, both in Armenia and the world. If not for oppressed at all, the UN would not have to adopt so many resolutions just about women’s rights. So, initially, over centuries, there existed an entire process of oppression and consistent subordination of woman, therefore, now, the advanced mankind is trying to fight for gender equality, which is still not available in Armenia.

A. A. –What is your opinion? Do we need it? Is it a stupidity invented by the West?

Tigran Kocharyan – I would look a little back. Zaruhi was right as an Armenia woman and a parent. At other times, we were saying why we do not speak Armenian. What is the meaning of “gender”? Let’s talk about gender equality, women’s and men’s equality, yes, there’s no problem, I agree 100% here. Why do we introduce the word “gender”, it’s not clear?

Z. H. – In other words, do you mean that we have a problem with the translation of the term?

T. K. – The translation of the word “gender” is not only sex that we visualize, but the “gender” is also socially acquired behavior.

A. A. – Should men and women be equal?

T. K. – I would say as follows: all 5 fingers are not equal to each other. The woman has her equal place, and the man – his own place. I feel uncomfortable when the woman raises the barbell, play football and so on.

Z. H. – It is the field of your personal feelings.

T. K. – No, the woman should not be linked to men in everything and vice versa.

Z. H. – In this case, you are against longing, because if a person likes to raise the barbell, he should not be limited to.

T. K. – What I am saying is that the woman is a separate world, the man – separate, these two world are equal to each other, but to find resemblance, to make a woman a man, and vice versa, in my opinion, is very wrong. Ultimately, I cannot deliver a baby and you cannot lift heavy weights, purely physiologically. Let’s not confuse, because woman was always compared with the beauty.

A. A. – In other words, you, however, have some stereotypes that woman is this one and man is this one.

T. K. – Both, woman and man are creatures given by God, equal in every way, but they are equal as creatures, but the man has his functions, and the woman – hers, so is given by the  nature, no need for a man act like a woman and vice versa. Man should respect and love her as a woman, the same for the woman. Man should do so to feel himself a man, and the same for the opposite.

Z. H. – I would like to go back again to the social role, you are talking completely about physiology and biology. This is not being discussed.

T. K. – I’m talking about the spiritual world.

Z. H. – The problem of only equality and social representation is discussed, This is called a gender. Otherwise, for example, the guys of our yard do not also like our neighbor playing on the violin, they say that it’s not a man’s job, be a sportsman and so on. To the point, if we address to gender issues, all the pressures that are performed in the army, they are related to the gender issue, because it starts again that I am a stronger man, more male and you are more subordinate and weaker and so on.

T. K. – It’s not about gender, it’s a man’s world, natural instinct, a picture coming from nature, it’s a manliness of leadership, to become a leader of the pack in everywhere.

The full discussion here



“Face to Face” talk show series are released by the Open Society Foundations – Armenia. The views and analyzes found in this broadcast express the opinions of the participants, and are not approved by the Open Society Foundations -Armenia, or its Board. This broadcast is made available thanks to comprehensive financial support by the Open Society Foundations -Armenia, under the mass media support program, grant No 18624.

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