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Europe and we. Armenia will not appear out of the globe

November 04,2014 16:01

Whereas the developing path of the world is known

I am asked why I am so admired by the West. Neither by character, nor by my job, I am not among the ones who are admired. European countries, moreover, the United States have as nasty manifestations in their foreign policy as Russia. To say which of the states acts in the name of “justice” and the “truth” and which is not, who “saves” the world, who “wrecks” is impossible. It is just childish, if it is said sincerely, or a propaganda, if it is said to delude people.

Everything should be judged by results. At this point, where is the living standard higher? Where were the windows applications, smartphones, skype, Facebook and the best make vehicles produced? Am I saying purely materialistic things? Let’s talk about spiritual. Where is the large part of the world-renowned theaters, concert halls, orchestras, and museums? Where does the university education enable to be hired to a good-paid job? Where is the large part of people having significant contribution to the sciences? Finally, where is the probability greater that a stranger will smile upon you on the street, and when you fall down, you will get a help to stand up?

About the media. No one is unbiased, for instance, when covering the events in Ukraine. Different styles and approaches. Official propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov, from morning to evening, talks a twaddle addressed to the West, in fact, the West, whose values the Armenian EaEU apologists are trying, however, to follow. Whereas in the BBC web site, for example, the preference is given, of course, to the western viewpoint, but a/ with no twaddle, b/ presenting also the viewpoint of de facto governments of Lugansk and Donetsk. The difference, it seems to me, is obvious.

If anyone now thinks of restoration of the Soviet Union, then once again we need to state that it is impossible. There are many arguments to prove the impossibility of it, but most importantly, in my opinion, is that an “iron curtain” is required to have a state like the   Soviet country. This is what is called impossible. In Armenia, my generation and older than me, perhaps would continue receiving information from Russian TV channels and obtain “information” relevant to their worldview. For the next generation, this is excluded. These generations both in Armenia and other “Eurasian” countries receive their information and their knowledge from the Internet, and many of them are going to Europe to work, study and rest. Many of them are finally working in companies with Western capital and Western management.

The problem, thus, is not which country is better and just, or whether the “Soviet” had advantages or not (of course, it had). The problem is in the direction of the development of the world. I have no doubt in this matter. Today, my like-minded people in Armenia may constitute the minority. But it’s a very temporary situation that will be changed in my generation.


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