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Ashot Piliposyan. “The Azerbaijani archaeologists were loyal”

December 02,2014 13:51

On November 20-22, Tbilisi hosted an International Conference entitled “Problems Of Early Metal Age Archaeology Of Caucasus And Anatolia”, which was also attended by Armenian experts. Professor Ashot Piliposyan, Deputy Director of “Service For The Protection Of Historical Environment And Cultural Museum Reservations” SNCO in the field of scientific activities, in particular made a report on “Excavation at Metsamor”.

As mentioned by the scientist in the interview with, with his report he presented the findings of the works carried out by Armenian-Pole international archaeological expedition in 2013-2014 and the excavations made in the territory of the monument over 50 years. Mr. Piliposyan added that many of the participants of the international conference expressed desire to attend the International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Metsamor excavations, which will be held in 2015. We found out from them that 6-7 archaeologist from Azerbaijan attended the “Problems Of Early Metal Age Archaeology Of Caucasus And Anatolia” conference. They were experts making excavations in the territory of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan. No incident was recorded. The Armenian archaeologist said that everything was in a civilized way and they were loyal. Ashot Piliposyan noted that Azerbaijani were also interested in Armenia’s materials and expressed a desire to have more access to the information.


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