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Benefit Concert and Auction for the Politically Persecuted and their Families

December 25,2014 13:42

The abyss between the ruling oligarchic regime and the people, who are seeking a just society where they can earn a decent living, is deepening everyday.  Armenia is bleeding today because its most valuable asset, its citizens, are leaving the country in droves and unfortunately at this rate of emigration Armenia will be served to its enemies on a platter.  Armenia’s dignified sons and daughters have never stopped warning of the dangers and have continuously fought for an independent, sovereign and just Armenia. As a result of that struggle a large group of dedicated and honorable citizens have appeared in jail today as political prisoners.  Their families are left helpless and deprived of the breadwinner with many children left fatherless due to the regime’s punishing whimsical desires.

Soon the world will celebrate one of its most sacred holidays – Christmas and New Year. The children of those families will sit around the holiday table with sadness in their hearts. There is nothing more tragic for a child than the separation of the child from its parent, especially when the individual in prison is there not because of a crime that he is being accused for but rather for his beliefs.

The Rights and Support Foundation is committed to stand alongside these families, to give them hope and support. We have designated December 27, 2014 a National Fundraising Day and urge all Armenians worldwide to stretch their humanitarian helping hand with donations to support those families.  For this purpose, on December 27 from 7pm-10pm Yerevan time, we invite you to Tekeyan Cultural Center where a charity concert and auction will take place, the proceeds of which will be provided for the benefit of the politically persecuted and their families.  The suggested minimum donation for attending the concert and the auction is 5000AMD ($12.00).

After the concert, from 9pm-10pm Yerevan time, there will be a modest reception during the auction of artworks donated by well-known artists of Armenia. The concert and the auction will be broadcast live via A1Plus Livestream as well as via Skype account “Rights and Support Foundation”.

For our compatriots living abroad and those who cannot attend the concert and auction please note that your physical presence is not necessary for making a general donation or participating in the auction.  Remote participation in the auction is also possible.

Once again we want to especially urge our diasporan compatriots to take part from their remote locations in the charity auction and buy a piece of art which will support the families of political prisoners.

Help your brethren; help the citizens of your homeland so that we can all have the Armenia, which we will be proud to live in for future generations.

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