Day newsfeed

It is not calm on the border line

January 12,2015 12:58

During the holidays, the Azerbaijani troops, though not intensively, opened fire on the border villages of Tavush Marz. Dovegh village Mayor of Noyemberyan region Samuel Gorginyan said that on January 6, close to 17:30 pm, the Azerbaijani armed forces opened 2 fires on Dovegh village, fortunately, no damage was caused.

Barekamavan village Mayor Garik Abazyan says that the fires have become usual for the village residents, early in the morning of January 7, Azerbaijani troops released 4-5 fires on the village, there are no casualties, the Armenian border guards gave an adequate response.

We learned from the Mayor of Aygepar village, Berd region, Andranik Aydinyan that on January 6, a fire was opened from the Azerbaijani positions on our defensive positions, close to 19:30 pm 2 shots were made on the village. Movses village Mayor Ararat Avalyan said that the village was attacked on January 5 by the large-caliber machine guns, no casualties.


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