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Armenia’s Foreign Ministry response to Azerbaijan

January 12,2015 14:06

“We need to speed up reaching the agreement on fundamental principles.”

Referring to the US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki’s interpretation pertaining to the tension of the situation in the line of Contact, according to Azerbaijani, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesman Hikmet Hajiyev said, “Unfortunately, Armenia is trying to prevent the commencement of work on the Great Peace Agreement through its provocative acts. Recent tension along the frontline is a good example of it.” With this regard, tried to get clarification from Armenia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Tigran Balayan, in response to which, Mr. Balayan with a reference to Armenia’s Foreign Ministry statement as of January 3 said, “We need to speed up reaching agreement on fundamental principles, which will enable to commence elaboration of a comprehensive peace agreement. Once an agreement is reached on fundamental principles, and Nagorno-Karabakh will give its consent to it, it will be possible to start talks between Azerbaijan, Karabakh and Armenia to develop a comprehensive peace agreement.”

Note that the recent considerably intensive and active violations of ceasefire in the line of Contact between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan, the US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki’s “Voice of America” Armenian service said, “As an OSCE Minsk Group co-chair country, we do continue to urge both sides at the highest levels to engage in negotiations that could lead to a peace agreement and adopt measures to reduce the likelihood of such events along the line of contact and along the border. That continues to be our focus. ”


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