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“Russians once again put a robe on government authorities of Armenia”

January 14,2015 13:52

Human rights activist Arthur Sakunts believes that the murder case happened in Gyumri yesterday was to be investigated by the Armenian side although the message issued by the Prosecutor General of Armenia a short while ago that the case will be investigated by the Russian side in compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. “The message issued by Armenia’s prosecutor’s office states about non-existence of government authorities in Armenia and servility to Russian government authorities. This guy was detected and arrested not when crossing the Russian-Turkish border, but in the territory of Armenia, where the Russian military base soldiers, armed with guns, were implementing operative investigation works. In other words, already without legal grounds and permit, they had violated the rules of the Russian base, under which they had no right to leave the base without a permit. In other words, they had violated as much as the suspect in murder, who had left the territory of the base. Russia side obviously shows that the solution of the matter is attributed to them and thus sponsors the suspect in murder.

The representatives of Avetisyan family have serious reason to submit questions to both the Russian base and the government authorities of Armenia because it is the legal formulation of the issues solved in political dimension. Once again the Russians put on a robe on Armenia’s political power,” said the human rights activist. He does not see any possibility of an objective investigation, also has a fear that the Russian side will not even allow the law enforcement officials of Armenia to meet with the suspect in murder Valerie Permyakov and carry out investigative works.


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