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Giro Manoyan. “Recalling Armenia-Turkey protocols is a right step in the right direction, but not enough”

February 17,2015 14:32

“Firstly, these protocols must not be signed, after signing they neutralized by recalling the signatures by Armenia, this did not happen too”, said ARF Bureau member Giro Manoyan, in the conversation with, referring to recalling of the Armenia-Turkey protocols. He thinks that recalling of the Armenia-Turkey Protocols is a right step in the right direction, but not enough. “Some substantiations are required showing that the President is going for this move, about which he wrote in his letter, he can also recall his signature and thus neutralize these protocols completely.

Keeping in this way, in other words, as signed, even though withdrawn from the National Assembly agenda, we still leave it as a lever in the hands of Turkey.” Giro Manoyan noted that Serzh Sargsyan had talked about it during the Armenia-Diaspora Conference held in September 2014, when he was called to recall the signatures, as well as during his speech at the UN General Assembly. “Naturally, the Pan Armenian Declaration had its impact on Serzh Sargsyan’s decision, but this move will be complete when Serzh Sargyan will recall the signature.” Recall that President Serzh Sargsyan sent a letter dated February 16 to the Speaker of the National Assembly Galust Sahakyan notifying about his decision to recall the Armenia-Turkey protocols.


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