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EURONEST PA adopted a resolution on the Armenian genocide

March 18,2015 14:01

On March 17, the fourth plenary session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly (PA), being held in Yerevan, adopted four documents and two urgent resolutions, one of which refers to the Armenian genocide. The documents refer to the economic integration, political matters, energy security and social matters, by putting forward several proposals: “Providing involvement through 2014-2020 European Neighborhood Instrument between the EU and Eastern Partnership countries for the strong partnership,” “Infrastructural Cooperation between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Countries: road, rail and air transport joint projects,” and ” Cultural and Intercultural Dialogue in the Context of the Eastern Partnership.”

Head of the “European Friends of Armenia” ( Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa comments from the Assembly, ” It is the second time that EURONEST is hosted in Yerevan, which shows that the Armenian delegation is really active within this very important assembly. It is a good signal for the future of EU-Armenia cooperation as well. Moreover, the texts adopted today will help to strengthen the practical dimension of EU-Armenia relations, going beyond mere declarations.” In the adopted document, the Euronest PA urges the European Union to further promote the opening of borders between its immediate bordering countries. Moreover, from political and social point of view, the adopted documents call for at least for some cases to be guided by the visa-free regime. In the call addressed to the Russian Federation, it is mentioned to refrain from any intrusion to Ukraine. Pertaining to the energy sector, the Parliamentary Assembly underlines the importance of the EU program for the Eastern Partnership countries.

The Euronest PA’s resolution on the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide received a special attention. Mr. Lorenzo Ochoa comments, “This urgent resolution includes some new important aspects compared to previous resolutions adopted by European structures, and we are proud of our contribution to make it possible. It is especially relevant because none of the Eastern Partner countries who are members of EURONEST PA has recognized the Armenian Genocide yet. We hope that this resolution will serve as the first step for them to condemn the Armenian Genocide, joining their voices to the EU and adding to European solidarity.” In particular, the resolution “condemns all forms of crimes against humanity and genocide and deeply deplores attempts of their denial” and “supports the international struggle for the prevention of genocides, the restoration of the rights of people subjected to genocide and the establishment of historical justice.”

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