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The European parliamentarian about the sign of equality between Azerbaijan and Armenia

April 01,2015 16:31

In response to the question of, Head of the Mission to Europe of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie, Jean Paul Vahle, said, now we are having new casualties on the border every week, Azerbaijan regularly organizes subversive acts, but the international community always puts an equal sign. To the question of whether morality and justice is important for the international community or the oil-dollar and the economic interests, he answered, “Personally, I am a big supporter to respect the rights to self-determination for each nation. The people of Nagorno-Karabakh have expressed their will very clearly. But at least three state are currently trying to negotiate, so that the conflict is resolved through negotiations. Look what is happening in Ukraine, when the negotiations just vanished. The sign of equality is a means of diplomacy which enables to continue negotiations.”

He recalled the history of Belgium, which did not have its own state, nor self-determination. “Why am I, the Belgian, believe in European values? Since the moment when the EU was established, our country is able to negotiate in an area where the conflict existed constantly. And now, people are living together in an area who have never lived in peace.”


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