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Paruyr Hayrikyan. “The government authorities are trying to prevent the mass demonstrations associated with April 24”

April 08,2015 13:12

“What happened is a political persecution”, said NSDU leader Paruyr Hayrikyan, in conversation with, referring to the arrest of a number of Founding Parliament members and the search of their apartments. In his words, the government authorities are trying to prevent the mass demonstrations associated with April 24. “The task of the law-enforcers must be to protect the rights of the citizens and not vice versa. They are living by the means of the citizens and should serve to the citizens. As for the day of the fight, the people have declared April 24 a day of the fight.

When people came out to the street, they said that the consequences of the genocide should be eliminated.” A member of Founding Parliament Vardan Hakobyan did not rule out the possibility that the actions performed may contribute to the start of civil disobedience to bring down the events dedicated to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Paruyr Hayrikyan said that he does not think that the political fight is worth associating with such phenomenon. “I do not think that the Founding Parliament has set such a task to bring down the events associated with the centennial of the tragedy. All Armenians mark this day as a 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, including them. What else should be brought down?”


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