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“After June 7, there will be changes in the Armenian-Turkish relations”. David Shahnazaryan

April 25,2015 13:45

“The tension reached its peak between the official Yerevan and Ankara and it should have a tendency to relax. We must clearly understand what country is Turkey and what problems it has”, – said David Shahnazaryan to  Asked whether the Turkish relations would bring the border movement, Mr. Shahnazaryan said.

-“The opening will happen soon, but these steps should be taken, and we must be ready to take these steps, without making any requirement to Turkey. I have one demand from Turkey that is to fulfill its obligation against the international community: the unblocking is an international law violation. My position was and remains the same concerning Turkey, we have no territorial claims against Turkey, we recognize today’s borders and international relations should be established without any preconditions”.

David Shahnazaryn, among the world’s response on Genocide hundredth anniversary, especially underlined the Pope’s message and emphasized the assessment of the Vatican liturgy, and his surprise at the German Bundestag President and the `s statement in the project, which started discussions by saying.

– “It was a huge recognition for our country”.

-“What was initiated on April 24 by the President of Turkey: the celebration of Gallipoli battle was against the Genocide, but this step was failed from   the assessment of Turkey’s measures. The marking the centennial of the battle of Gallipoli on April 24 was crucial. On June 7 there will be the parliamentary elections in Turkey and Erdogan is more public than political figure that is why the voices are the most important for him. Erdogan uses the Armenian-Turkish relations mainly for these purposes, trying to make an attempt to subdue the sound of the world by the celebration of Gallipoli victory”.

He noted that the USA delegation did not go to Istanbul.

-“The United States was represented at the level of USA Ambassador to Turkey and to Armenia sent a delegation led by the Minister of Finance. By this the United States pointed to a difference in their positions”.

According to Mr. Shahnazaryan Barack Obama did not name the 1915 massacre as a Genocide out of USA-Turkey relations tension.

-“Over the last decade, the worst level in their relationship, I think Washington will significantly reduce its impact on Turkey, which is now not so much. In this sense, Obama considered not only the USA, but also security interests of the South Caucasus and the Middle East “.

What conclusions should be made on April 24?

David Shahnazaryan details.

– “The political and moral potential that exists, should lead to the issue of lobbying in Europe and America. A hundred years later we have a Country and our priority is to have a democratic country where there are human rights and the rule of law. We must move forward on the political both from Azerbaijan and Turkey: living them backwards. We have such opportunities. This is our main problem after the 100th anniversary of the genocide. ”


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