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We will make the political decision you will appreciate. 

May 01,2015 17:48

By Ketevan Kardava


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Edgar Rinkevich, talks about Euro and Euro Atlantic perspectives of Georgia. Latvia, being a member of European structures for more than ten years, expresses its support to Georgia.

 – Mr. Rinkevich, what might be the key provisions or messages of the final document of the Eastern Partnership Summit to be held in Riga?

– I think the key message of the Riga Summit should be that the EU is involved in the Eastern Neighborhood as much as possible; the countries willing to have closer relationship with the Organization, have already made their decisions and they want to become a part of Europe; and, respectively, they should receive a clear message that the Association Agreement is not the final step or the ultimate goal of our relations.

We have three associated members – Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova. We are helping them carry out reforms and advance. At the same time, when we are talking about their European aspirations, despite the fact that it has already been signed and partially enacted, the Association Agreement cannot be the ultimate goal.

This is a political part of the subject. However, we should not forget that huge work should be performed to implement the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, which represents a part of the Association Agreement. What is meant here is not only financial but experts’ recommendations as well aimed at meeting the requirements of standards, for example.

Our goal is also to assist you in strengthening your economy and make the goods produced in Georgia competitive for the European market. It goes without saying that if we succeed, it will mean better conditions and level of life.

And finally, we would like to establish differentiated approaches to our partners, especially with the countries that do not declare their willingness to make ties closer with Europe and represent a part of the Eurasian Union.

– After the meeting of Foreign Ministers, at the end of the EU Summit, we found out that the EU is planning to have individual approaches. Why is it so important?

First of all, it is important because different countries have different levels of ambition. We have three countries willing to become the EU member states. I think it will take a long time till we are able to talk realistically about the perspective.  We do not want to give the promise we won’t be able to keep.

I am sure that will be the worst alternative and scenario, and we will find ourselves greatly disappointed. We will lose the power of persuasiveness. That’s why the countries, willing to become the EU members, deserve to receive the message that the Association Agreement is not the final point, and what they deserve at this stage is the Support Package.

It should also be mentioned that Eurasian Union member states also participate in Eastern Partnership. However, Armenia, for example, is willing to sign a new Agreement with the EU, too. I am sure we will also advance in this direction in Riga.

Azerbaijan is also considering the issue of developing its relationship with the EU. It is a very important and pressing issue as it concerns energy safety. We would like to have an intense dialogue about the subject.

Belorussia is also a member of the Partnership. However, we have to discuss the ways and opportunities. The rule of law and the right to expression are urgent topics in this country.

Our relationship with our partners cannot be limited to the discussions of pleasant topics. The EU is interested in more stable and blooming Eastern neighborhood. Hence, based on the level of a country’s ambition, we have to decide on the approach and take into consideration the needed assistance and readiness of the country to cooperate.

– Does that mean that at this stage the EU is not ready to let the Eastern Partnership countries become its new members?

– At this stage there is no unanimous approach to this issue within the EU.

Is it a bog problem? I don’t think so because, as you may well know, there was a time when even Baltic countries were not considered as the EU or NATO members, but everything is changing…things do not stay the same.

It needs hard work and reforms.  By the way, we also need time to recognize your progress and its irrevocability. We need time to understand that the country acts as a real member state.

I do believe, the time will come and we will discuss European perspective and possible membership.

At the same time, we should not forget that negotiations on accession are underway with the Balkan States; however, we are not planning to have new members at this stage; these countries still have a lot to do.

We should also bear in mind Turkey – we have been having a dialogue about the membership with this county for decades. We should be unanimous in our decision about any country’s perspective and potential membership.

For the time being, as I have already noted, there is no unanimity about the issue. As you may know, we make such decision in the organization only if all members express their readiness and consent.

– Many countries are waiting for accession. You have mentioned that the path is rather long. When you were talking about the perspectives of Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova, you focused on their readiness. However, what can you say about Russia? Will the position of Russia influence the process?

– We have to hold the Riga Summit in new geo-political reality.  The previous Eastern European Summit was hosted by Lithuania under more peaceful conditions.

Yes, you are right: some countries think that we should take into consideration Russia’s position. I will tell you the position of Latvia in this regard: Eastern Partnership is not a weapon against Russia and we believe that any country has the right to make its free choice; likewise, no third country should have the right to influence our or your choice.

I am sure this is the topic that should be urgently discussed within the organization. We should talk with those having different positions and try to convince them in the correctness of our approach. This is our job and we, the Baltic people should do it – I mean the people who, along with Poland, strongly support the Partnership initiative.

No third country should have the right to veto and this is the fundamental principle of our organization and our unity!

– You were the first who noted that the member states were considering the possibility of Financial Support Package for the Eastern Partnership. What kind of support do you think Georgia needs and what is the type of the Package for Georgia you are working on?

– Financial support should be used to implement the Agreement on Deep and Comprehensive Trade. That means improvement of phyto-sanitary standards and the healthcare system. It also includes the programs aiming at the improvement of Georgian business to make it more competitive. That will be only one part of the Financial Package. Another issue is finances and I want everybody to pay special attention to it. European Union will not say that it has experts and funds and that it is ready and willing to send its experts and disburse the money. The partners should demonstrate their willingness; the country should identify and point out its problematic spheres.

The Package will also consider assistance to reform your judiciary system; strengthen anti-corruption activities and security sector. However, I will reiterate and tell you that the decision should be made simultaneously by both parties.

– The President of the European Parliament noted that the second phase of implementation should be focused on reforms…

It is noteworthy that Georgia has been doing a lot for the last several years. We do observe and appreciate the real progress your country has made. I can tell you openly that Georgia and Moldova are considered to be the leading countries of the Eastern partnership Initiative. However, you should also know that…

– That it is not enough…?

– The point is  not that it is not enough. The point is that it’s a long way. Nobody can do everything in several years. It is natural that the process needs time!

One specific sphere about which we are concerned and express our readiness to cooperate closely is your Judiciary System.

We can see ongoing processes – investigations have started and some of the cases were taken to the court. However, political influence can be observed in relation to some of the cases.

Strong Judiciary System, which should be free and independent, is very important.

– Is it somehow connected with the Association Agreement?

–  It is obvious that the Association Agreement is not as attractive as membership. Nevertheless, it is a tool that can help the country strengthen and deepen its relationship with the EU.

The Association Agreement will facilitate the economic growth which is very important.

– What will be the recommendation of the European Commission in terms of visa liberalization after the experts submit their report? What is the undertone within the organization?  Will it be difficult to make a political decision if we get positive evaluation?

– If the evaluation is positive, we will do our best to make a political decision in Riga. That’s why we are all waiting for the report of the European Commission.

I can tell you sincerely that I do not and cannot know what the report says. We are in a standby mode.

I agree that visa liberalization is a very strong and important signal for the countries that meet standards.  This is something tangible for those willing to travel to or study in Europe.

Visa liberalization will also facilitate the process of promotion of European values. It will help the Georgians who are willing to find out more about Europe. Hence, our position is that if the criteria are met, Georgia should be awarded visa liberalization.

I am going to be open and tell you that I have never heard anything pessimistic in this regard from any single country either at the informal meetings of Foreign Ministers in Riga or at EU Summit in Brussels, or anywhere we discussed these issues.

– That’s good news for us…

-Yes, I fully agree, that’s good news! However, we should still wait for the report.

…And one more, if it turns out that there are some criteria that you or Ukraine still do not meet, the Riga Summit should send a very clear political message. At the same time, in case if the criteria are met and issues are addressed, the date should be set for visa liberalization.

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