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German parliamentarian. “The NKR recognition does not depend on the parliamentary elections”

May 04,2015 12:12

German Bundestag parliamentarian Albert Weiner said in the interview with the reporters that it is good that democratic elections are held in Karabakh, but he noted that NKR’s recognition internationally does not depend on the elections. “Nagorno-Karabakh alone cannot reach recognition, a number of negotiations with other countries need to be conducted, especially with neighboring countries. Certainly, it is difficult but necessary,” said he. Albert Weiner informed that an Armenian-German Forum will be held in Germany since May 20, which will discuss the Nagorno-Karabakh issue and the parliamentary elections. Back to Bundestag discussion on the Armenian genocide, he said. “I also delivered a speech in this Forum and announced that the event occurred is a genocide. Many of my colleagues believe that a genocide occurred, and we have taken steps for this word genocide find its place.” To the question of when the discussions will be continued, he noted that he cannot give any specific time. “It will not last long, in any case, we will discuss in separate groups, then the issue will be moved to the parliament.”


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