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Dennis Sammut. Pluralism in the Parliament is one of the strengths of Armenia

June 22,2015 15:26

Executive Director of LINKS, Dennis Sammut, at the 89th “Rose Roth” seminar on June 20, separated Georgia from the South Caucasus countries, where the ruling party peacefully left the power in 2012. “This is an example of a change in the political transition that should be a model for the whole region. This constantly happens in Europe, this is an everyday life in Europe, but for the region, the fact that one party defeating peacefully concedes the power has a milestone significance. This is a phenomenon that should become normal in the region,” he said.

He noted that the NGOs are operating in Georgia since 1993-1994, while in Azerbaijan it has not happened. Dennis Sammut stressed that the EU delegation commenced operating in Azerbaijan since 2005, the same is true in Armenia. “But Armenia had a diaspora that was filling in the gap, therefore, the development of civil society is important, which is taking place in Armenia.” Dennis Sammut believes that one of the strengths of Armenia is that a pluralism has been established during the last parliamentary elections unlike Azerbaijan. “This is a very good ground for Armenia and if Azerbaijan is willing, then it should hold parliamentary elections as appropriate.”


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