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Ashot Yeghiazaryan. “This 100-million dollar investment is very doubtful.”

August 18,2015 14:00

“There is a factual situation that the state has a money problem and at some point, they think with this sale, they can solve some financial problems”, said economist Ashot Yeghiazaryan in conversation with, referring to the government’s decision on selling the “Sport and Concert Complex after Karen Demirchyan” to “NTAA Investment Group” LLC. He does not see any other reason for selling of the Complex. He also does not consider it realistic that the number of visitors to Armenia will grow as a result of multi-functional activities of the Complex. “At this point, I do not think that the project is realistic because as far as I know there should be investments made for about 100 million dollars, it should become an entertainment center, at first glance, these projects look real, but I do not consider them realistic in nowadays Armenia. And this 100-million dollar investment that should be made is very doubtful, I do not believe it.” The economist opines that the argument is not clear whether this multifunctional Complex will work or not. “I do not understand its business argument, I do not see it. Under the created situation, I cannot understand this kind of investment resources are attracted in this kind of business. At the moment, I consider it unrealistic.”

The selling price for the “Sport and Concert Complex named after Karen Demirchyan” is 30 million dollars. “NTAA Investment Group” LLC plans to renovate the building of the Complex and to create a family-oriented Complex Center, which will include hotels, indoor waterpark, concert halls, restaurants, shops and a playing center. The program is intended to complete in four years maximum.


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