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The oppositions failed to distract the Venice Experts

August 26,2015 16:30

“No matter how many questions raised during the debate were deviated from being legal and were tried to bring it to the political dimension, however, despite the opposite expectations by many people, the Venice Commission members had a clear posture and were not deviated from their fundamental approach, at times reminding that they consider the document from legal perspective and, first of all, give importance to the legally correct wording. This, I think, is very important as the professional approach is essential for improving the document”, – detailed RPA faction MP Ruzanna Muradyan in the conversation with after the meeting with the experts of the Venice Commission held today.

Note that today, on August 25, at the YSU, the Venice Commission experts were holding discussions with political forces and the representatives of civil society on the draft of the constitutional amendments. The RPA MP noted that the discussion was very active, and there was a free and relaxed atmosphere to express opinions, and the representatives of various political parties of Armenia were able to express their views to the experts on various articles of the draft constitution. “The Venice Commission representatives stated that the constitutional reform draft generally is in line with the European standards, the Pan-European legal instruments, as well as the modern constitutions of the European countries. The Commission experts concluded that the list of constitutionalized fundamental rights is substantially enriched, numerous rights have obtained the status of a constitutional norm, and in addition, restriction for a number of rights have been constitutionalized too.

Overall, the experts applauded the work done by the vocational committee on constitutional amendments, noting that as a result of the open dialogue with the Venice Commission, key improvements have been made to the text of the reforms. Of course, the discussions with all political forces and the civil society on the draft will be continual in order to clarify all misunderstandings and to ensure possibly favorable environment for the reforms,” – said the RPA MP, expressing the opinion that such discussions will enable considering the provisions available in the document from different perspectives, making it more efficient and viable for the benefit of enhancement of democracy and the rule of law.


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