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Will a Palestinian embassy be opened in Armenia?

August 26,2015 18:00 agency reported that the Palestinian Embassy in Baku has sent a note to the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry that the opening of the Embassy of Palestine to Armenia does not meet the reality. Note that recently, “Zhamanak” Daily cited the interview of the ethnic Armenian Ambassador of Palestine to Great Britain, Manuel Hassassian, to the British “East” news portal, in which he particularly said that an Embassy of Palestine is planned to be opened in Yerevan in the coming months. Regarding the statement of the Embassy of Palestine in Azerbaijan, we asked the press Secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Tigran Balayan, to comment. He said that these issues are regulated by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, in bilateral format. “It is ridiculous that the representative of a third country is making a statement regarding the representation of the Palestine in Yerevan,” added Mr. Balayan.

 Prepared by Ashot ISRAELYAN

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