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Puppet Theater is ready to accept Vardan Petrosyan

September 05,2015 16:44

Vardan Petrosyan’s lawyer, Nikolay Baghdasaryan, recently, announced that the artist will serve the sentence in an “open” regime at the “Vardashen” penitentiary facility, also adding that at the same time, he will be engaged in the actor-producing activities in one of the theaters in Yerevan, where he has already been invited. In the interview with, directors of several theaters denied that they had invited Vardan Petrosyan to work in their theaters.

Director of the Yerevan Puppet Theater after Hovhannes Tumanyan, also producer Ruben Babayan (in foto), in the interview with, confirmed that they indeed have invited and are ready to accept Vardan Petrosyan in the staff of the Puppet Theatre. “At this point, the offer is still under discussion, we would like to work with Vardan Petrosyan, given his great experience and professional qualities as an actor-producer,” said Mr. Babayan without further details.



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