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Victor Hambardzumyan’s exciting response to Shirkhanyan

October 08,2015 14:00

Recently, former Deputy Defense Minister, Vahan Shirkhanyan, after the press conference, told an incident in a friendly talk, which is impossible but to be excited and proud of. He told that in cold and dark years, the great scientist Victor Hambardzumyan was his neighbor in the city of Ashtarak. To the point, he was living at his daughter, Karine’s house. One day, on his way home from work, the Deputy Minister Shirkhanyan saw Victor Hambardzumyan sitting in the candlelight with a cover on his legs to protect from the cold and working. He felt very bad and urged his employees to do their best to bring electricity to the scientist’s house. The next day, on his way home from work, he saw a light at the astrophysicist’ house, but his delight lasted shortly.

Despite the late hour, the scientist was impatiently waiting for Shirkhanyan to express his dissatisfaction. Vahan Shirkhanyan told that before getting home, the scientist’s daughter had approached him saying that his father wanted to see him. He went to the house, Victor Hambardzumyan was very upset and urges to turned the electricity off and he said this so tough and decisively that there was no alternative. The Defense Minister has said, today, if there is one in Armenia who should have the right to have electricity is You. Victor Hambardzumyan replied, if my people are in the dark, I cannot and should not have electricity, like others, so do I. Now, in our times, “famous” or people servicing the government are granted not electricity, but an apartment or “Bentley”, and hardly there might be cases that one of them will say, like people, so do I, immediately take your granted apartment back, the car and other precious gifts.


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