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A new bridge to be built instead of the destroyed bridge by Georgians

October 22,2015 17:10

In Ptghavan community, Tavush marz, 25 million drams will be allocated to Tavush Marzpetaran for building a suspension bridge on the Debed River. Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Emergency, Vache Terteryan, presented at the cabinet meeting that the free movement of the residents of Ptghavan and Ayrum communities to the Armenian territories across the left bank of Dedeb River is restricted when passing by the current bridge, and there is an urgent need to build a new bridge for the pedestrian.

Ayrum village mayor Gigol Yeganyan told us that earlier there is a suspension bridge in this section that was destroyed by the Georgians.

We asked the Governor of Tavush, Hovik Abovyan, whether an Armenian-Georgian mapping has been done in this section. The Governor said that the border is clearly defined in this section, the territory of Tavush Marz here is adjacent to the territory of village Tchotchkan, Lori region.

The bridge construction will enable the residents of Ayrum, Haghtanak and Ptghavan villages to cultivate the gardens on the left bank of the Debed River.


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