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Trees planted in honor of first U.S. ambassador to Armenia Harry Gilmore

October 27,2015 17:18

YEREVAN, ARMENIA – On Wednesday, October 14, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) and the Armenia Tree Project (ATP) planted trees to honor the first U.S. Ambassador to Armenia Harry Gilmore (1993-1995). Ambassador Gilmore passed away on April 23, 2015 at the age of 77. Close to two hundred guests attended the ceremony at the Parakar Memorial Park in Parakar Village, west of Yerevan.

While in Armenia, Ambassador Gilmore oversaw massive assistance and relief programs to help the Armenian people, including tireless efforts responding to the energy and food shortages caused by the blockades imposed by Azerbaijan and Turkey. He worked with Armenia’s young government to help rebuild the country after the devastating 1988 earthquake and strengthened U.S. and Armenia relations. Ambassador Gilmore was the first recipient of the Armenian Assembly’s Henry Morgenthau Award for Meritorious Public Service, bestowed on June 1, 1996 in Boston at the Armenian Assembly’s National Tribute Gala in his honor.

The tree planting ceremony began with introductory remarks from Assembly Regional Director Arpi Vartanian, who discussed Ambassador Gilmore’s tenure in Armenia and the close relationship he developed with the Assembly and ATP.

“Today, the Armenian Assembly of America and Armenia Tree Project are honored to plant trees in Ambassador Gilmore’s memory,” Assembly Regional Director Arpi Vartanian said. “He worked closely with the Assembly and the Tree Project, believing that the work we do was for the benefit of the Armenian nation and for building a strong U.S.-Armenia relationship. It is our hope that as these trees grow and thrive, so too will his memory flourish,” said Vartanian.

The event continued with a few words from Assembly Board President & ATP founder Carolyn Mugar. Mugar spoke about her wonderful interactions with Ambassador Gilmore. “With each encounter, I found him to be the right person for the position of first U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia,” she stated. “I know you all will hold a special place in your hearts as we cherish Ambassador Gilmore’s memory and contributions to Armenia,” said Mugar.

U.S. Embassy in Yerevan Chargé d’Affaires Woodward Clark Price also spoke at the ceremony, explaining how today’s bilateral ties with Armenia are strong thanks in part to Ambassador Gilmore, who established the foundation of the partnership. Price added that “these trees will grow, have deep roots, and embody the warm ties between the two countries.” Following Price, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Ashot Hovakimian, representing the Armenian government also spoke about Ambassador Gilmore.

Before planting the trees, youth from Parakar Village performed several songs by Komitas. Local children also laid flowers by the plaque and displayed their artwork for the event.

Assembly Board Co-Chairman & ATP Executive Committee Member Anthony Barsamian joined the speakers, Vartanian, Mugar, Price and Hovakimian, to plant the symbolic trees.

“Tree by tree, region by region, they are “greening” Armenia. Nearly 5 million trees have been planted by the Armenia Tree Project to date,” said Vartanian.

Also in attendance were Nagorno Karabakh Speaker of Parliament Ashot Ghoulian, Assembly Board Member Raffi Kassarjian, ATP Country Director Lucineh Kassarjian, and other representatives of the Armenian government, the NGO community, as well as many who knew and had worked with Ambassador Gilmore.


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