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Foreigners are writing a thesis on the Armenian Genocide

November 14,2015 22:15

Under the IOM “Temporary Return of Compatriots with Professional Qualification” project, doctor of philological sciences and professor at the University of Venice, Sona Harutyunyan, is in Yerevan for two weeks by the invitation of the Yerevan State University. Since, still in 2013 had addressed the problems of the Chair of the Armenian Language and Literature founded at the University of Venice by the efforts of renowned Armenologist Fr. Levon Zekiyan, we asked Ms. Hovhannisyan about how they are resolved. Sona Harutyunyan informed that the problems related to the Chair were partly regulated as a five-year contract was signed between the University of Venice and the RA Embassy to Italy.

As for the financial matters, it will be settled during this academic year by the state mediation. We learned from Ms. Harutyunyan that nearly 2 dozen students study Armenian studies in their University, and some of them have chosen the theme of the Armenian Genocide for their graduation theses. The Armenian professor also has her contribution to it. As for University graduates, our interlocutor said that they do not cut their connection with the Chair.


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