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Polish journalists Andrzej Brzezinski and Małgorzata Nocuń – a new book about Armenia will be presented in March

January 11,2016 20:00

On March 30 of this year, Polish journalists Andrzej Brzezinski’s and Małgorzata Nocuń’s new book about Armenia will be presented in Poland. The book shares the impressions and thoughts of the journalists visiting our country. The information about the book “Armenia. Death Caravan” is included in the catalog.

The notice reads, “Armenia. The once mighty empire stretched from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean, currently a small and poor country in the South Caucasus. The world’s first Christian country where people see themselves as God’s chosen nation. Right here, on top of Mount Ararat, Noah settled with his ark and the world started from here. But if God really chose Armenians, then he treated them just like with the biblical Job (central character of the Book of Job in the Bible). The great small nation is passing thru centuries like a caravan through the desert. He walks with fear and blood, the last decades in Armenia’s history are full of violence and pain. Memories of cleansing, wars, persecutions and caravans, memories of death and destructions are hidden in each turn of the history.”

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