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David Sanasaryan. “Do not finance the RA police.”

January 11,2016 22:00

Civic activist David Sanasaryan considers the response by the international organizations regarding the events in Armenia on the New Year eve equivalent. On the nights of the New Year, during the protest in the Freedom Square organized by the “New Armenia” initiative to install a Christmas tree, a scuffle occurred between the police and protesters. As a result, on the night of the New Year, activist Gevorg Safaryan was arrested on suspicion of assaulting a police officer. On January 3, the court appointed custody against him as a preventive measure. The Human Rights Watch, an international human rights organization, issued a statement.

The reputable facility thinks that keeping Safaryan in custody for two months is totally disproportionate given the lack of evidence that would prove that he is a real danger for the investigation. “Keeping Safaryan behind the bars without any valid reason is not difficult to conclude that the government authorities are targeting and arresting him for interfering with his peaceful political activism.” David Sanasaryan, however, is more worried about the attitude of the international organizations but the attitude of Armenians who according to him preferred “warm homes and beverages.”

The activist opines that on this day, people should not be busy with eating and drinking, but to come out on the streets to protest. In any case, he also calls on the international structures not to finance the RA police because the funds allocated for the improvement serve the objective just formally while originally there are no changes in the practice of the police.


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