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Appeal from Seda Aznavour to Serzh Sargsyan for the release of Vardan Petrosyan

January 18,2016 10:33

Seda, the eldest daughter of Charles Aznavour calls the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, to release the comedian Vardan Petrosyan, currently imprisoned.

The French artist was sentenced to five years of prison January 29, 2015 after fourteen months of proceedings following a traffic accident.

Seda Aznavour wrote on his Facebook wall:

«Dear Mister president of Armenia,
Since you are friend with my famous father who is so involved with the welfare of Armenia, you could make his daughter SEDA happy and FREE Vardan Petrosyan, don’t you thing he paid his dues ? Thank you very much for maybe and kindly considering my request. With all my respects to you and beautiful family.

Seda Aznavour »

Jean Eckian /Paris

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