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Language is the mirror of the mind

January 19,2016 13:14

Have you noticed that the people who act based on extreme nationalist positions usually write on the network with transliteration? Apparently, they believe that their scourging in Latin characters and virtual attacks aimed at azgi davajanner (traitors of the nation) would become more accented and deadly.

I will bring another example: sworn Putinists, irrespective of where they live when they decide to defend their idol on the Internet, they prove that they have a vague understanding of the Russian language spelling, the structures of declensions and participial, even in the case when Russian is their native language. It is interesting, isn’t it that they who see the salvation of the world in the restoration and “evolvement” of the Russian empire, they are writing in a way as for example I would write in English. The Russian of those imperialists reminds me not of Pushkin or Tolstoy but half-literate and well-fed faces of the fat-bellied officials.

It seems what else can consolidate and strengthen the nation if not the language. The theological preferences of Armenians, unfortunately, are different (mainly atheists pretending to be Christian are living in Armenia), we have different political views, live in different social and political environments, the only thing that can be common for us is the language. Because our notions about the azgi davajanner are quite different. On the other hand, it seems that the Russophiles should, first of all, love the Russian language and the Russian culture but lo and behold, they most of all love the Russian king and his ambitions.

Actually, there is no contradiction here. If you do love something, appreciate it and feel that it is something that needs to constantly go into details, you cannot have respect even from far away towards the phenomenon who are far away from you and often not so understandable. And vice versa, when you deeply do not know yours, your dear one, you are guided by the distorted ideas about it and begin protecting it allegedly from “foreign enemies”. When a person has no clear idea of the national interests and values, he begins to vigorously defend the false values from “encroachments”.

Some people perhaps believe that composing the ideas in the native language or any other language literally and logically is a secondary matter. But it is an indicator for me. For the person’s speaking or writing skills eventually are the reflection of his thinking. Today, there is no lack of money or foodstuff in Russia and Armenia, these are the consequences. The most important thing that is missing is the thinking people. And to think means to get rid of the waste. Including, the language.


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