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The art of self-establishment.  To repent means to change the mindset

January 19,2016 16:00

In this regard, we continue to act as children of godless regime.

In 1987, in the Soviet Union, Tengiz Abuladze’s “Repentance” film was screened which was filmed in 1984 and in an allegorical language, it was telling about the Soviet totalitarianism.  “Repentance” was banned for 3 years by the Soviet censorship, moreover, the KGB was searching in the apartments in Tbilisi confiscating the “illegal” copies of the film. But the “perestroika” began and Gorbachev after some variations decided to allow the official screening of the film.

It was extremely significant and to some extent, it can be said also a turning event in the history of the empire living its sundown. And when those who suffer from nostalgia are said that Gorbachev has “destroyed this beautiful country” by the assignment of the “CIA”, then one of the actions of this “destroy” was the screening of such film. For these empires and regimes are based on spreading lies about the past as well as on remorse and complete lack of repentance. Mo repentance can exist during godless regimes. The regime in a part of the post-Soviet countries (also, in Armenia) is no longer totalitarian but the mentality of our society is the same because repent means to change the mindset.

If such film is shot in today’s Russia, it, at least, would have difficult fate as after certain “deviations”, this country has returned to “its own circles” and the repentance about the past is absolutely not encouraged. Even though, orthodoxy in Russia is considered almost an “official ideology”, it is only a formality, because the idea of repentance constituting the core of Christianity is rejected. Exactly, in the same way, no matter who the leaders of Turkey consider themselves followers of Islam, no matter their women wear headscarves, anyway,

will remain a godless country for it has not repented for its sins over other nations, including Armenians.

If the state announces that there has not been a moment in its history for which it should repent, it is a godless state, even in the case if the entire population of this state is in prayers and fasting day and night. If the person says that he has nothing to repent, he is a faithless person. Even in the case if he goes to church every day to pray and distributes sweets to the children. Look how much repentance St. Gregory of Narek had.

We can sincerely regret, “Oh, what have I done?” to feel remorse but it would not be a true repentance because the latter implies a conscious approach, assurance, personal responsibility and constant attention to the signals sent to us by God. How to distinguish one from the other? How to understand whether the weed has completely eliminated from our hearts or it is it just a temporary regret? Very simple. If we no longer repeat what we have done and consider it wrong and are not going to do it and do not think of doing it, then it was not a temporary regret, then we really have changed our mindset. Incidentally, it is not a “one-off” but a continuous process.

It is no coincidence that the meaning of religious repentance is close to the Greek “metanoia”, which literally translated means a “change of mind”. We are talking not only about the conduct but the life perception and change in world outlook, therefore, in Armenian, it is called “penitence.” When a rich young man with exemplary conduct and following all the commandments approached Jesus and asked what it is necessary for having an everlasting life, the Lord answered him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell whatsoever thou hast and give to the poor.” Matthew 19,21), to which the young man was not ready.  But if someone, let’s say, decides to literally understand this parable, to leave the family and become a monk, it would also be a change in behavior rather that a change of mind and will have nothing to do with repentance. Moreover, in my opinion, it will be an ultimate expression of egoism. To love without repentance does not worth a penny.

And the funniest thing is when a person demands the opposite person to repent, one social group demand it for the other, one nation from the other nations. The world is not changed from such “demands”. The world changes from MY actions.


Aravot daily

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