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Not for 30 hours but for many years

January 26,2016 12:09

One of the biggest “cannons” of  Russian official propaganda “heavy artillery”, the First Channel, had prepared a devastating report that some people in Berlin have kidnapped a 13-year-old girl and later raped and tortured her for 30 hours. This information will cause furious wrath to any normal person. But there is also a political connotation specifically for Russia: Is this is your “secure Germany?” Everything was fine in terms of propaganda if the Berlin police would not detect that there has been no kidnapping and violence.

Apparently, the police in Germany are taking the press releases too seriously. Otherwise, if you look at our Internet, a few horrific crime occurs in a day, of which more than the half turns out to be a lie. But the law enforcers are not particularly inclined to seriously deal with such alerts unless, of course, there is a necessity to protect the “honor and dignity” of any official. In Germany, “telling a lie” irrespective of who is involved in this case is not a harmless task and the advocates over there want to find out to what extent such a behavior of Russian media consistent to their laws.

Certainly, it happens that we, the journalists, are mistaken and this mistake causes pain to people. However, following the channels of the Russian propaganda, their broadcast rumors, including, for example, the fictitious story of the “crucified young” in Ukraine, I cannot believe that the Berlin correspondent of the First Channel is simply mistaken. To announce such crimes all over the world, one must have a very “powerful play cards” and I do not doubt for a second that the professionalism of this journalist is quite sufficient to understand it. But in the event when the aforementioned channels do not report any news in their broadcasts without anti-European, anti-Ukrainian or anti-American connotation, it is natural that their leadership may concoct such a thing.

I do not know which is more wrong: to run after the sensation and publish wrong information, or to deliberately lie for propaganda purposes. The second one, however, contains, at least, a bigger cynicism. Sadly, the vast majority of Armenians not only follows this cynical lies but also believes it by 100 percent. And it is very difficult to change this mindset because the aforementioned propaganda washes people’s brain not for 30 hours but for many years.


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